Homemade Valentine’s Chocolates by Dapur Sinolin

Homemade Valentine’s Chocolates by Dapur Sinolin

Very perfect taste, chocolate with a little warmth. Give your homemade chocolate gift on Valentine’s Day.

Ingredients :

  • 100 gr biscuits, crushed
    • 50 grams of sweetened condensed milk
    • 150 gr dark chocolate
    • 300 grams of white chocolate
    • Food coloring (pink)
    • Almond
    • Pistachios


  1. Place the chocolate bowl in the pan. Try to keep the bowl high or exceed the top of the pan. Keep stirring until the chocolate is melted on medium heat. Take care not to boil the water and the steam rises and goes into the chocolate bowl. Because, this water vapor can make the chocolate clot. If already in contact with water, add a little butter when melted again.
  2. Do the same thing to melt white chocolate.
  3. Separate the melted white chocolate into two parts, colored with food coloring (pink). The other one just leaves it white or according to taste.
  4. Fill the silicon mold with the chocolate that has been melted in half, cover the edges to fill the inside. Chill in the refrigerator. Leave the room temperature can also, but requires a long time.
  5. Make the contents: mash the biscuit until smooth then place it in a bowl and give sweetened condensed milk, stir until it blends and can be shaped into rounded shapes.
  6. Take the chocolate that has been chilled before, try the chocolate in a hardened state.
  7. Take the biscuit mixture and form a round, then put in a hard chocolate and put a hole in the middle to put the beans.
  8. Cover the beans with the biscuit mixture and flush again with the remaining chocolate to cover it all.
  9. Cool in the refrigerator then serve.

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