Info: Skin Benefits of Melinjo for Health By Dapur Sinolin

Info: Skin Benefits of Melinjo for Health By Dapur Sinolin

5 Benefits of Melinjo Skin for Health
If you often eat sour vegetables or chips, then maybe you will not be familiar with melinjo. Yes, emping is one of the main sources of melinjo. Melinjo is a fruit from the melinjo tree which is often used for various kinds of Indonesian food additives, such as sayur asam or sayur lodeh. Melinjo is often associated with high blood pressure, so people with high blood pressure are advised to avoid chips and the like. But did you know that it turns out that melinjo and its skin have other benefits for the body? What are the benefits of melinjo skin?

  1. Maintaining brain health
    The brain is the center of thought and regulator of all body organs, because it is very important to maintain brain health. One food that can maintain brain health is melinjo. Yes, one of the benefits of melinjo skin is to prevent and overcome free radicals that occur in the body. Free radicals that occur in the body will greatly affect nerve and brain function. Melinjo is believed to contain manganese substances that can bind to neurotransmitters – substances that are an introduction to nervous system signals – and make signals between nerve cells more efficient.
  2. Helps growth
    Other mineral substances contained in melinjo and the skin is copper. Copper is a micro mineral substance that the body needs to help with growth, so melinjo is good for children. Not only that, the benefits of other melinjo skins are to help with problems in the muscle and bone system and maintain heart health. Lack of copper can cause the body’s tissues and cells to die and not develop. Therefore melinjo skin is good for health.
  3. Adjust body temperature
    The body has its own regulation of body temperature. when the environment is cold or hot, the body will automatically adjust so that the body temperature is not disturbed. Just a slight increase or decrease in body temperature, can interfere with overall body function. Melinjo and the skin helps the body to keep the temperature stable. The benefits of melinjo skin are proven by helping to maintain metabolic functions and enzymes to remain stable in environments that have extreme temperatures.
  4. Maintain skin health
    Inside the skin of melinjo, there is a zinc mineral which is able to increase white blood cells. This is of course good for preventing inflammation and accelerating wound healing. Acne can be a wound on the surface of the face, therefore melinjo and skin are also good for dealing with acne.
  5. Maintaining kidney health
    Not only copper and zinc, melinjo skin also contains phosphorus which turns out to be good for kidney health. Through its phosphorus content, the benefits of melinjo skin are to maintain fluid balance in the body, help regulate salt and fat levels, and help the kidneys remove toxins from the body.

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